Saturday, November 30, 2019
The Battle of the Somme Essay Example
The Battle of the Somme Essay Source A is an extract of comments made by Jack Cousins on atelevision interview years after the war. Youll find the barbed wire infront of the German trenches blown away. However it had just been thrown about and got tangled even more. This source is fairly reliable and it is determined by this statement. This source gives the impression that the battle should not have been fought because as Jack Cousins stated wrong information was given, so the battle was wrong as soldiers were not fully prepared for the things they faced. Source B was written by a historian, B.H Liddle Hart, for a book in 1972. This source is from endless research and interviews. German machine gunners had perfected to a three minute drill because the first day didnt go well, this statement is also fairly reliable and the source is written by a historian, this gives its more reliablity. However this source again shows the battle should not have been fought as Germans had better weapons and could use them affectively as the British had poor and obsolete weaponry which makes it unfair and a one sided battle. The Germans had a better prospective of winning. Also soldiers on the British side were mislead by their commanding officers. We will write a custom essay sample on The Battle of the Somme specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Battle of the Somme specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Battle of the Somme specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Source C was written by a well known historian A.J.P.Taylor, for yet another book in 1979. Agian his information came from endless research and his own knowledge. German machine gunners had perfected to a three minute drill this statement is more than likely true as the first day didnt go well for either side. The historian is well known for his accurate information on topics like the war so this source is fairly reliable. However whether the battle should have been fought or not cannot be determined by this source, this source just shows that the Germans were more prepared for what they faced, than the British army. Source D is Russel Bradshaw, a soldiers account of the crossing of no mans land. This source could be reliable because of his first hand knowledge of it, but it could still be inaccurate. Because it is his own opinion of the instructions to cross no mans land at a slow pace he could be biased and could have given incorrect information. Because this source may not be that reliable the descision on whether it should have been fought or not is hard to determine, because it could be a biased opinion. However if a descision had to be made it would agree that the battle should not have been fought because the crossing of no mans land at a slow pace could have been suicide. Source E is a frame from the Britsh official film of the Battle of the Somme, shown in cinemas in August 1916. This piece of film is definately a piece of propaganda as it will not show the full horrors of war because it could cause uproar within the nation. Also any single man standing over the top, as shown in the frame, would have been shot almost instantly. This piece of film could not be seen as reliable because it is a piece of propaganda, however the rest of the film would obviously have some elements of truth. But this piece of film agrees that the battle should not have been fought because if the government had to hide the truth, the truth must have been bad for it not to be shown to the public. Source F is a cartoon of a fist representing the Brtish army punching Kaiser Wilhelm on the nose, printed on the 2nd July 1916 in a British newspaper. The headline read the day goes well for our patriotic heroes. This cartoon is also a piece of propaganda, fake information given to protect the British public from the truth of not doing so well on the first day. As source N shows the first day didnt go well as 19,420 men were killed on the first day. This source also agrees that the battle should not have been fought because the great loss of men on the first day, they had to hide it from the british public, as it could cause uproar and people would refuse to fight so their morales were kept high so more men would join to fight and without the men, the battle could not have been fought well enough to win. Source G is a statement on the Battle of the Somme written in a letter to General Haig, from Lloyd George in 1916. It talks about how well everything was going and how good the plans were, i can say that the heartening news of the last few days has confirmed our anticipation and hopes that the tide has now turned in our favor. In this quote he is really optimistic about it all because the war is still going on he has to protect the nation from the truth. This source is reliable because it has come from Lloyd George but it is not reliable because the war is still going on and he has to le to stop uproar throughout the nation. So this source states that everthing is good but this is not true but his statement agrees that the battle should have been fought because everything is going well and it is helping to gain a better prospective of winning the war. Source H is also a another statement made by Lloyd George but, after his fall from Prime Minister. A statement from his book published 1933-39. This source states how bad it actually was and Lloyd Georges opinion of it all had changed, he talks about it is claimed that the Battle of the Somme destroyed the old German army by killing off its best officers and men. It killed off far more of our best. This statement is very reliable as he does not have to lie anymore because the war is over and he is not Prime Minister anymore so he can say what he likes. So this source agrees that the battle should not have been fought as it went really bad for the British and many good men were killed. Source I is an extract from a letter writen by Lord Bryce on the the 29th July 1916. He visited the Fourth Army Headquarters, a chateau and park in France. Haig and Rawlinson, Battle Director and Commander-in-Chief at the time seemed to believe the German forces were coming to their last legs. Germans had few reserves, even German officer prisoners doubt escape of defeat. These statements Are acked up by Source J but the two officers did exagerate to make themselves look good to the politician. The politician had never been to the front lines himself so he was an easy subject to mislead. This source is and isnt reliable because of the two officers exageration and because of their knowledge of the front lines. But this source agrees that the battle should not have been fought as if they had to exagerate to make it sound as if everything were fine it couldnt have been going that well so the battle should not have been fought. Source J is an extract from a letter home from a German officer in August 1916, he was later killed in October. This German officer talks about how Ghastly life was on the front lines and how the village of Martinpuich that was once quiet and peacful was now a region of horror and despair. This meant the Germans werent doing well so the British obviously were,so this source does agree with source I . It is very reliable as it has come from a German telling us that the British were doing well. This Source also agrees that the battle should not have been fought as it was causing horror and despair. Source K is information taken from Haigs despatchon the 23rd December 1916. At thos time the Battle of the Somme had finished for over a month. Haig set his objectives after the Battle had finished but they still might have been achieved. The objectives were threefold: 1) To relieve pressure on Verdun. 2) To assist our allies in other theatres of war by stopping any further transfer of German troops from the western front. 3) To wear down the strength of the forces opposed to us. Haig would have definately acheived these objectives as he set them after the war he would have based them on things that had been achieved throughout the battle. This source is reliable as these were official documents concerning objectives. This source alone cannot determine an answer to whether or not the battle should have been fought. As it just states what objectives were set. Source L is an extract from a report sent to the British Cabinet by Haig December 1919. This source is information on the effects of the Battle of the Somme. Haigs opinion of the effects were practically beaten men, thoroughly tired of the war. These both prove Objective three was acheived as forces opposed were being worn down. This source is reliable as these are also extracts from officail documents. This source agrees that the battle should have been fought as it plays a great part of the eventual defeat of Germany. Source M is an extract from a German Generals book published 1919. This source talks about the British and how well they were doing. But because it came from a German General it can be believed, because why would he lie after the war has finished and it is the British he is supporting. Entente worked their way further into German lines this statment is in comparison to all three objectives, because if the Entente worked their way into German lines it was wearing down the enemy so more men would have to be sent there, thus relieving pressure on Verdun and stopping the further transfer of troops. This Source is reliable as it came from a German. This source also agrees that the battle should have been fought because again it played a great part in the eventual defeat of Germany. Source N are the figures of men lost on the first day and the total losses by the end of the battle. 1st July 1916, 19,420 British killed, by the end of the battle in total of all sides 1,070,000 dead. The battle only lasted for 5 months and so many lives were lost in such a short space of time. This source is reliable as they are official figures, this source agrees that the battle shoud not have been fought as so many men lost their lives in the short amount of time of 5 months. In conclusion from analysing thoroughly the sources and information provided it would seem that the morgority of the sources would agree that the battle should not have been fought for various reasons. However a final descision will never be made as there are so many points to be analysed and discussed. No-one will ever come to a conclusion because everyone has different opinions.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
TheTitanic essays
TheTitanic essays The sinking of the Titanic was a catastrophic event that could have been easily prevented with a little attention to detail. For instance, a couple of things were ignored. Ice warnings were one of them as well as the distress rockets fired from the Titanic. The rockets were ignorantly disregarded by the Californian. Another factor working against the vitality of the ship was the ideology of an unsinkable object. In the time period in which the Titanic sailed, a new technology called wireless was still an erratic novelty. Wireless was the basic tool used between ships and other vessels to communicate. With this being the new technology of the day, people were fascinated with how it worked. They would often bribe wireless operators to send messages to relatives or friends on other ships. The operators were more than willing to receive these bribes and send the messages without a second thought. On April 14, 1912 wireless operator John George Phillips had been getting requests to send personal messages all day. Due to the inadequacy of the wireless, messages often had to be resent or repeated. Operators frequently were frustrated and this was exactly the case on the Titanic. Phillips was so overwhelmed with personal messages that he apparently didnt have time to receive any warnings about the potentially fatal icebergs. When the Californian sent her sixth iceberg sighting to the Titanic, Phillips responded, Shut up, shut up. I am making Cape Race (Lord 29). If Phillips would have taken these warnings a little more seriously, the Titanic might have had a fighting chance at missing these foreordained icebergs. Flares and rockets usually signify danger or distress. They were a signal of just that during the sinking of the Titanic. A total of 8 rockets were fired into the sky that fateful night. Each one instilled a new hope in people when they saw these beautiful fireworks. However, when the Ca...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Why the Causes of Terrorism Are so Hard to Identify
Why the Causes of Terrorism Are so Hard to Identify The causes of terrorism seem almost impossible for anyone to define. Heres why: they change over time. Listen to terrorists in different periods and youll hear different explanations. Then, listen to scholars who explain terrorism. Their ideas change over time too, as new trends in academic thinking take hold. Many writers begin statements about the causes of terrorism as if terrorism were a scientific phenomenon whose characteristics are fixed for all time, like the causes of a disease, or the causes of rock formations. Terrorism isnt a natural phenomenon though. It is the name given by people about other peoples actions in the social world. Both terrorists and terrorisms explainers are influenced by dominant trends in political and scholarly thought. Terrorists- people who threaten or use violence against civilians with the hope of changing the status quo- perceive the status quo in ways that accord with the era they live in. People who explain terrorism are also influenced by prominent trends in their professions. These trends change over time. Viewing Trends in Terrorism Will Help Solve It Viewing terrorism as the extreme edge of mainstream trends helps us understand, and thus seek solutions, to it. When we view terrorists as evil or beyond explanation, we are inaccurate and unhelpful. We cannot solve an evil. We can only live fearfully in its shadow. Even if it is uncomfortable to think of people who do terrible things to innocent people as part of our same world, I believe it is important to try. You will see in the list below that people who have chosen terrorism in the last century have been influenced by the same broad trends that we all have. The difference is, they chose violence as a response. 1920s - 1930s: Socialism In the early 20th century, terrorists justified violence in the name of anarchism, socialism, and communism. Socialism was becoming a dominant way for many people to explain the political and economic injustice they saw developing in capitalist societies, and for defining a solution. Millions of people expressed their commitment to a socialist future without violence, but a small number of people in the world thought violence was necessary. 1950s - 1980s: Nationalism In the 1950s through 1980s, terrorist violence tended to have a nationalist component. Terrorist violence in these years reflected the post-World War II trend in which previously suppressed populations committed violence against states that had not given them a voice in the political process. Algerian terrorism against French rule; Basque violence against the Spanish state; Kurdish actions against Turkey; the Black Panthers and Puerto Rican militants in the United States all sought a version of independence from oppressive rule. Scholars in this period began seeking to understand terrorism in psychological terms. They wanted to understand what motivated individual terrorists. This related to the rise of psychology and psychiatry in other related realms, such as criminal justice. The 1980s - Today: Religious Justifications In the 1980s and 1990s, terrorism began to appear in the repertoire of right-wing, neo-Nazi or neo-fascist, racist groups. Like the terrorist actors that preceded them, these violent groups reflected the extreme edge of a broader and not-necessarily-violent backlash against developments during the civil rights era. White, Western European or American men, in particular, grew fearful of a world beginning to grant recognition, political rights, economic franchise and freedom of movement (in the form of immigration) to ethnic minorities and women, who might seem to be taking their jobs and position. In Europe and the United States, as well as elsewhere, the 1980s represented a time when the welfare state had expanded in the United States and Europe, the agitation of the civil rights movement had produced results, and globalization, in the form of multi-national corporations, had gotten underway, producing economic dislocation among many who depended on manufacturing for a living. Timothy McVeighs bombing of the Oklahoma City Federal Building, the most lethal terrorist attack in the U.S. until the 9/11 attacks, exemplified this trend. In the Middle East, a similar swing toward conservatism was taking hold in the 1980s and 1990s, although it had a different face than it did in Western democracies. The secular, socialist framework that had been dominant the world over- -from Cuba to Chicago to Cairo-- faded after the 1967 Arab-Israeli war and the death in 1970 of Egyptian President Gamal Abd-Al Nasser. The failure in the 1967 war was a big blow- it disillusioned Arabs about the entire era of Arab socialism. Economic dislocations because of the Gulf War in the 1990s caused many Palestinian, Egyptian and other men working in the Persian Gulf to lose their jobs. When they returned home, they found women had assumed their roles in households and jobs. Religious conservatism, including the idea that women should be modest and not work, took hold in this atmosphere. In this way, both West and East saw a rise in fundamentalism in the 1990s. Terrorism scholars began to notice this rise in religious language and sensibility in terrorism as well. The Japanese Aum Shinrikyo, Islamic Jihad in Egypt, and groups such as the Army of God in the United States were willing to use religion to justify violence. Religion is the primary way that terrorism is explained today. Future: Environment New terrorism forms and new explanations are underway, however. Special interest terrorism is used to describe people and groups who commit violence on behalf of a very specific cause. These are often environmental in nature. Some predict the rise of green terrorism in Europeviolent sabotage on behalf of environmental policy.à Animal rightsà activists have also revealed a fringe violent edge. Just as in earlier eras, these forms of violence mimic the dominant concerns of our time across the political spectrum.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Managerial Challenges in 21st Century Term Paper
Managerial Challenges in 21st Century - Term Paper Example According to management consultants, rigidity will only result in decay and organisational bankruptcy, and flexibility is proposed as the only way to move with the dynamic times (IABMP, 2009). Management practices in the 21st century have had to change with the times as organizations are become more complex. Managers cannot afford to continue with the old managerial practices because 21st century workers can easily be unproductive if their needs are not taken into consideration. This paper will discuss some of the challenges managers face in the 21st century. Most organisations are aligning themselves with the appeal of the globalised business platform of the 21st century (Molinsky, 2012). Globalisation is characterised by the multi-national integration of technology, perspectives, culture, products and ideas. Therefore, it becomes an inevitable managerial requirement to incorporate the trend within organisational strategies. However, the pace at which technological, transportation and communication advances are driving globalisation is a major challenge to managers, charged with leveraging the technologies appropriately within their systems and structures (IABMP, 2009). Further, the very nature of being a multinational organisation translates into the need for a comprehensive international awareness by managers. A specific managerial challenge posed by globalisation is that of conflicting cultures (Gomez-Mejia, Balkin Cardy, 2009). While the essence of globalisation includes enabling some procedures to be conducted worldwide and univers ally, managers must acknowledge that some must be localised in their respective areas to ensure regional and cultural adherence. Managers will exploit any business opportunity that presents itself, but they are challenged by the need to not appear as if they are championing international culture at the expense of locally established regional ones (IABMP, 2009). Just as is the case with the
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Statement of Purpose Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Statement of Purpose - Assignment Example d of working in the several schools that I have served, especially the opportunity of teaching young ones and seeing them develop and become wiser first hand. I have also enjoyed listening and discussing ideas with my fellow teaching colleagues and getting advice from school heads. I have come to comprehend that even though I enjoy teaching, I am not going to be satisfied working under the direction of others. I feel that I can be among the team that directs learning within an institution. My senior colleagues have identified my abilities and encouraged my ambition and feel that I can do much more in an administrative capacity. My affection for teaching began when I was young. I must have been in fourth grade when teacher Martha, a young and enthusiastic teacher who was so good that she made learning appear fun, became our class teacher. When I joined high school, I soon realized that there is so much that goes on in learning institutions, having an enormous impact on our learning experience. I remember one instance when learning within our school had deteriorated due to poor management, leading to student and parent complaints. We had a new principal, and he was able to turn everything back to normal. Quite naturally, my original thoughts regarding my future career leaned towards teaching, but after that incident I realized I could do more as an administrator. My bachelorââ¬â¢s degree in art and education majoring in Islamic studies has given me the skills to work as a teacher. Working in several learning institutions has given me the relevant experience, and I also learned to work with others. A masterââ¬â¢s program majoring in education and specializing in education administration will enable me to do much more back home, where I intend to work. It will also significantly increase my chances of employment. A role in education administration will enable me to make a greater impact and improve teaching on a larger scale back home. A masterââ¬â¢s of education with a
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Create A Classic Detective Story Essay Example for Free
Create A Classic Detective Story Essay In this assignment I will analyse the classic Sherlock Holmes detective story the Speckled Band and find out how sir Conan Doyle takes a basic idea from all detective stories, a murder and still create a classic story.Ã First off a detective story needs a murder and in this case it was the death of Sarah stoner that starts the story off, but no death in any detective story would be complete without a mysterious death and the way Sarah died was a mystery. And I think that most detective stories use mysterious deaths because this makes the story more interesting and more intriguing because if the death was straight forward then the reader might be able to predict the ending of the story before actually reading the end of the story. This story also has its fair shares of mysterious characters for instance Helen Stoner, who is Sarah stoners sister is as mysterious as they get, like when she first met Sherlock she was wearing black clothes like she just came from a funeral. But why use mysterious characters? Because it is these characters that keep the reader guessing as to who the suspects may be and sometimes the writer can use this as an advantage to create a huge twist in the end of the story. The story describes the atmosphere as well such in the case of Sarahs death the atmosphere was described as dark, mysterious sounds etc and this is very important to use descriptions of certain atmospheres and locations because they will help the reader create a sort of picture of the scene in their heads therefore making them want to read more because it helps them get more involved with the story and also makes them think about whats going to happen next. The location of the story is also important and in this story most of the tension is created in the mansion of Helen stoner, which is owned by Dr Roylott. And in this mansion are a number of false clues such as in the room of Sarah stoner theres an emergency bell that dont work, her bed bolted to the ground, no windows and a ventilator that goes straight in to Dr Roylotts room. But the biggest false clue to me was the title itself the Speckled Band and it was pure genius for Conan Doyle to use a title like this because some people read the story purely out of curiosity to find out what the speckled band was. So by using mysterious deaths, mysterious characters, atmospheres, locations false clues the writer is able to draw the reader in the story, use tension to create questions in the mind of the reader but it also helps the writer stay 5 steps ahead to create a classic detective story.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Essay Comparing Beowulf and The Saga of King Hrolf Kraki
Beowulf and The Saga of King Hrolf Kraki à à à There are so many similarities between the hero of the poem Beowulf and The Saga of King Hrolf Kraki, an Iceland saga representing 1000 years of oral traditions prior to the 1300ââ¬â¢s when it was written, that these similarities cannot be attributed solely to coincidence. à The Cambridge History of English and American Literature states that the hero of the poem, Beowulf himself, may be the same person as Bodvar Biarki, the chief of Hrolfr Krakiââ¬â¢s knights (v1, ch3, s3, n13). George Clark in ââ¬Å"The Hero and the Themeâ⬠mentions: ââ¬Å"The form of Beowulf taken as a whole suggests both the ââ¬ËBearââ¬â¢s Sonââ¬â¢ folktale type (especially as we find it in Scandinavia) and the ââ¬Ëcombat mythââ¬â¢. . . .â⬠(286). In The Saga of King Hrolf Kraki, Bodvar is the grandson of a king (Hring); in Beowulf the hero is the grandson of a king (Hrethel). Bodvarââ¬â¢s father has been expelled from his country, Gautland; Beowulfââ¬â¢s father Ecgtheow has been expelled from Geatland. Bodvarââ¬â¢s father is dead; Beowulfââ¬â¢s father is dead (Hrothgar says,â⬠his father, now dead, was named Ecgtheowâ⬠) (373). Bodvar as a boy was so strong that he was not permitted to take part in the kingââ¬â¢s games past the ag e of twelve because he injured too many of his opponents; Beowulf as a young man was so strong that ââ¬Å"he was the strongest of all living menâ⬠(196). Bodvar was huge; Beowulf was ââ¬Å"noble and hugeâ⬠(198). Bodvar was more noble than the people around him; Beowulf refused to accept the kingship from Queen Hygd upon Hygelacââ¬â¢s death, risked his life various times for the benefit of others, put his own welfare last instead of first, and distributed his wealth generously when it was warranted. ââ¬Å"Though Beowulf is careful to collect his winnings, ... ...en and the gentlest, the kindest to his peopleâ⬠(3181). à The Iceland saga, The Saga of King Hrolf Kraki, written in the 1300ââ¬â¢s, represents about 1000 years of oral traditions. The remarkable similarities between this sagaââ¬â¢s main character and Beowulfââ¬â¢s main character are just too astounding to dismiss as mere coincidences. à BIBLIOGRAPHY à Chickering, Howell D.. Beowulf A dual-Language Edition. New York: Anchor Books, 1977. à Clark, Gorge. ââ¬Å"The Hero and the Theme.â⬠In A Beowulf Handbook, edited by Robert Bjork and John D. Niles. Lincoln, Nebraska: Uiversity of Nebraska Press, 1997. à The Saga of King Hrolf Kraki, translated by Jesse L. Byock. New York: Penguin Books, 1998. à Ward & Trent, et al. The Cambridge History of English and American Literature. New York: G.P. Putnamââ¬â¢s Sons, 1907ââ¬â21; New York:, 2000
Monday, November 11, 2019
Pmr in Hypnosis
PMR When youââ¬â¢re ready make yourself comfortable, take a deep breath and close your eyes. All you can hear is the sound of my voice, any other sounds you hear will start to fade as you listen to the sound of my voice. You will start to feel relaxed. More relaxed than you have been before. This is just for you, there is no one who needs anything from you and you can start to feel at ease with yourself. Feel your body start to relax. Feel the hair on the top of your head start to feel loose and free. Start to feel the muscles around your forehead relax and smoothen. Feel the tiny muscles in your eyebrows relax, move down to your eyelids and let them feel loose and relaxed. If you feel your eyelids twitching, donââ¬â¢t worry try and let them relax as much as you can. Relax your cheeks and feel the tiny muscles in your mouth loosen and relax. Moving down now to your neck, feel those muscles relax, feel the relaxation run down your spin. Feel all the weight being lifted off your shoulders and notice how comfortable and relaxed you feel. Move down now to your Arms, relax the muscles in your arms, your arms feel loose and heavy. Feel the relaxation go slowly through your arms to your hands and right to finger tips. You are now starting to feel more deeply relaxed. Notice how safe and peaceful you feel. Moving down now to your thighs and hips, notice how they feel comfortable and relaxed. Let that relaxation slowly tipple through your muscles down your legs and to the tips of your toes. You are feeling totally relaxed. Enjoy the feeling of being totally relaxed. Now I want you to picture in your mind a special place. A place you can go to when it is safe to do so, that makes you feel happy and relaxed. A place where you feel free as a bird to do what makes you happy. Try picturing the sounds of the sea slowly reaching the shore, all you can hear is the sound of the sea and the singing birds above you. Picture yourself lying on the beach and feel the soft sand running through your fingers, feel the sand in-between your toes now. And notice the warm sea breeze slowly working itself around your body like a blanket. While you listen to the sounds of the sea and feel the sand between your fingers and toes, you see a butterfly that lands on your knee. The butterfly has long colourful wings and you feel happy to be near it. You watch this butterfly for a moment before it flies off into the distance there is no one to bother you right now, you feel totally relaxed, safe and free to be wherever you want to be and do which ever you want to do. I am going to be quite for a moment and let you enjoy your special thoughtsâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦.. Now you have found your special place I want you to remember to come here when it is safe to do so and relax. Relax and feel the peacefulness around you. Now I am going to count to five. After the count of five I want to you open your eyes, and when you do you will awaken feeling relaxed. 1. you are starting to become more aware of the chair beneath you 2. The everyday noises around you us are now coming back to you 3. half way there now feeling refreshed and relax 4. Nearly there now and 5. Open your eyes.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Describe How the Uses of Plant Fibres and Starch May Contribute
Describe how the uses of plant fibres and starch may contribute to sustainability How can plant fibres be used? First of all the plant fibres have to be extracted from the plant itself. The process of extraction often used is called retting. Retting involves using water or micro-organisms to dissolve or rot away the cellular tissues surrounding the bast-fibre bundles. Afterwards the fibres are obtained; usually they extract very long sclerenchyma cells and xylem tissue because of their good tensile strength. From this many materials can be made, here are a couple of examples: ? Wood fibres ââ¬â can be used to make paper from trees Sisal fibres ââ¬â are obtained from Agave Sisalana and these fibres are used in the construction of cars, furniture, plastics and even paper. Uses of starch and plant based products to replace oil-based products Canvas Bags ââ¬â Canvas bags is a product sweeping the nation to help us rid the use of plastic oil-based plastic bags. Canvas bags are made from linen, which are fibres extracted for the flax plant, canvas bags also contain cotton, which is extracted from the cotton bag. The canvas bag is an ingenious product because not only can it replace the oil-based (petroleum) plastic bags but they are also reusable and also sustainable. Related reading: Disadvantages of Plants Living on LandStarch Bags ââ¬â Starch bags are a relatively unknown product, not as popular as a replacement as a canvas bag. However the starch bag is obtained from the starch within many plants. If the bag is no longer needed and discarded, they will soon decompose into carbon dioxide, water and biomass within 10-12 weeks, thus leaving no harmful residue behind. If you compare these to the oil-based products, they are a lot greener; this is because oil-based petroleum plastic bags give off a lot of air pollution and energy consumption to produce them.In addition to this if the plastic bags are discarded like many of them are (100 billion per year in USA), then they would not biodegrade (takes 1000 years) and could generate visual pollution and bring discomfort, and a lot of the time, death to many animals. Advantages and Disadvantages: Advantages ââ¬â â⬠¢Both the starch bags and the canvas bags (made of cotton and linen) are made from a sustainable source. â⬠¢Canvas bags do not wear and tear. In addition to this they are stronger than oil-based plastic bags and wonââ¬â¢t split under heavy pressure. Starch bags are biodegradable ââ¬â If the starch bags are discarded they will decompose into non-harmful residue within 10-12 weeks of production. Disadvantages ââ¬â â⬠¢The land used to grow the cotton plants, flax plants and plants used to extract starch would be wasteful and take up plenty of ground. Because cotton is predominately grown in Africa and India (places where food is at a shortage and hunger is on the uprising), the land used for the cotton would take up much area that could be used for farming, farming that could lead to food for the local people.The introduction of canvas bags and starch bags has the potential to change the way we think about greener alternatives. Canvas bags already have become widespread popular, with millions of households across England owning at least one, however oil-based plastic bags are still the leading supermarket bag. I believe the production of starch bags and canvas bags are extremely important and should be developed further and advertised more, this will hopefully ensure that the production and use of oil-based plastic bags are eradicated completely.This in turn would: decrease the production of harmful gases into the atmosphere and cause less air pollution; it would decrease the visual pollution of discarded plastic bags, would save animals lives that could get caught in them or even choke on them. On the other hand, as previously mentioned, land taken up to grow plants for the bags would precious land that could be used for farming and could feed a lot of the local people.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Plastic Surgery Essay
Plastic Surgery Essay Free Online Research Papers The desire to appear more attractive is universal, its permeating throughout history and in all parts of the world. Both men and women have gone through great lengths to try and meet the standards set by their societys and cultures. Plastic cosmetic surgery, as a form of beautification, has been around for thousands of years, but only in the past century have people taken such drastic steps to change their body. Although the desire for beauty is universal, what is considered beautiful is not; it depends on the culture and society that one is from. In an attempt to become happier and more attractive, many people are turning to cosmetic plastic surgery, and the different genders and age groups all have their reasons for resorting to surgery. With the pressure to conform to our societies standards of beauty from the media; and TV shows that glorify plastic surgery and put a new person under the knife each week, it is no wonder that the number of plastic cosmetic surgerys carried ou t is on the rise. In fact, cosmetic plastic surgery has quickly become the most common type of surgical procedure to be carried out. In some cases, cosmetic plastic surgery can have a positive impact in someones life, but for far too many cosmetic surgery patients things dont go as smoothly as hoped. Botched procedures, dangerous methods, and unqualified surgeons can lead to a potentially disastrous and even life-threatening experience. For these reasons, there should be an age restriction of 18 and older on anyone having cosmetic plastic surgery. Despite the obvious shortcomings of plastic surgery such as blood clotting, undesirable results, and dry eyes, there are a few positive things to be said about cosmetic plastic surgery. Cosmetic plastic surgery is typically defined as a surgical procedure which corrects or reshapes imperfections of the body which are otherwise normal structures. It is usually carried out to enhance a patients self-belief or confidence. Some plastic procedures such as rhinoplasty(nose jobs), liposuction, and botox are seemingly unbeneficial and superficial; however, there are some procedures which will improve the quality of someones life. Ptosis and cleft palates are two good examples of cosmetic plastic surgical procedures that can improve someones mood and quality of life. Ptosis is a result of elongated eyelid muscles, a result passed on at birth by genetics or also less commonly a result of aging. The lowered lid may cause vision loss, children with such a disfigurement may be teased and be uncomfortable with the asymmetry of their face. For the same reasons, a patient may have an improved quality of life from the removal of a cleft palate. For someone struggling with depression because of the way, they look plastic surgery may be the easiest and perhaps best answer. However, before someone decides to go through with it they should be well aware of the risks and possible consequences that they are taking on. For someone to do that they need to be responsible and informed and should not be allowed to make such a decision until they are at least 18. Early attempts at cosmetic plastic surgery procedures where the reconstruction of earlobes and noses with skin grafts from the cheek and forehead have been recorded as early as 800 Bc in India and other middle eastern countrys. Progress in cosmetic plastic surgery, like advancements in other medical fields, moved at a glacial speed until the nineteenth century, when the first cleft palate operation was invented in 1827 by Dr. John Peters. After that, there was little improvement made until World War One. War played a huge role in the history of cosmetic surgery. It presented physicians with thousands of severe facial wounds, burns, and disfigurements from battle and modern weapons caused types and severity of injuries that were unprecedented in the history of plastic surgery. Some of the greatest medical talents devoted themselves fully to both exploring the history and the potential of advancement in plastic surgery at this time. In cosmetic plastic surgerys earliest stages, i t was used primarily to fix birth problems or disfigurements from injury; however, the cosmetic plastic surgery industry would soon turn into a money-making machine, promoting unnecessary and hazardous procedures by uneducated and incompetent practitioners and those seeking plastic surgery in this modern day must be wary, well informed and at an appropriate age before undergoing a procedure. In 2003, teenagers 18 years old and younger represented 4 percent of those receiving cosmetic plastic surgery. Although the percentage may seem small, it represents over 330 000 school-aged youths who had some kind of cosmetic surgery or procedure carried out on themselves. (ASPS) There are many reasons for children this age to consider having plastic surgery, but little to be gained from rushing into it. Children who consider undergoing cosmetic plastic surgery were often bullied and picked on in school. The media of course also has an impact on the decisions of the children. It is almost impossible to go out into the world without being bombarded by advertisements on the tv, in magazines, movies, and books. They all glorify beautiful people, who are often airbrushed and not even as good looking as they appear in the ads, but it gives children an unrealistic idea of what they should or could look like. Kat is a 17-year-old first year student at Northeastern University who has seriously been considering breast implants for the past year. Kat is 59 and wears an A-cup bra size. she feels that implants would make her body more proportional. It would boost my personal self-image and self-esteem a lot, said Kat. Even though I know its something socialI would feel so much better if I had boobs. Kat said that both male and female friends of hers had teased her about her small chest, and that is one of the main reasons for thinking about breast implants. Kat is not alone as a young adolescent looking for a quick fix and an easy way to fit in, but hopefully, she waits until shes older and mature enough to properly weigh the benefits and consequences before reaching a decision. Many people may be surprised to find out that in the past ten years the number of cosmetic plastic surgical procedures carried out each year has gone from 333 000 in 1993 to 10 000 000 in 2003, a massive increase. However, when a look at the media is taken, those numbers are a little less surprising. Prior to 1993 reality tv barely existed and there were definitely no shows where cosmetic plastic surgery was involved. Now there are over 7 shows currently run on mainstream television channels that glorify cosmetic plastic surgery. The shows include Nip Tuck, Extreme Makeover, The Swan, I Want a Famous Face, Plastic Surgery: Before and After, and Miami Slice. In Nip Tuck, two cosmetic plastic surgeons, Dr. Sean Mcnamara, and Dr. Christian Troy search for perfection. They tell beautiful people that they have flaws and then perform cosmetic plastic surgery on them. I dont want to be pretty, I want to be perfect.(p.) There is even a website where normal people can send in a photog raph of themselves to be told what their flaws are and what can be done to improve their facial features. With shows like this, it is no wonder that children and young teenagers would be considering plastic surgery. Whereas Nip Tuck takes perfectly good looking people and looks to improve them, another show called Extreme Makeover takes a different approach. A team of cosmetic plastic surgeons picks 3 different ordinary people unhappy with their looks for major makeovers. They do multiple procedures on each person putting them in danger and in excruciating pain while they recover. Unfortunately shows like these have become excepted as the norm by society and no one questions the integrity and the commercialization of the surgeons partaking in the procedures. A recent study by the ASPS showed that 4 in 5 people surveyed who underwent a cosmetic plastic surgical procedure were influenced by reality TV and over half intensively watched such shows as Nip Tuck and Extreme Makeover . It is unfortunate that patients are turning toward the entertainment industry for educational information. We had hoped for different results. These shows may create unrealistic, unhealthy expectations about what [cosmetic plastic] surgery can do. Although its called reality TV, it may not be [reality].(ASPS) North Americans spend more than 12 000 000 000 annually on cosmetic plastic surgery, a number that has been continuing to rise year by year.(p.1) Most patients have tended to fare well, but the rate of serious and even fatal complications are also on the rise, and the risks to future patients growing. If cosmetic plastic surgeons all had their patients well being and health as their first interest there would be little problem with cosmetic plastic surgery. Unfortunately this is not the case. With the media and reality TV already convincing consumers that they need to be better looking to be happy and to fit in, it takes little effort on the part of a cosmetic plastic surgeon to bring in a patient, but millions are spent each year on advertising by cosmetic plastic surgeons as the surgeons try to make more money. Money, like in any industry has become a driving factor in the reason for medical practitioners to do cosmetic plastic surgical procedures; in fact, many of the operati ons carried out each year are done by completely unqualified individuals, people looking to benefit from the insecurities of the everyday person. Each year increasing numbers of physicians from virtually every segment of medicine as well as nonphysicians and nonmedical practitioners offer cosmetic procedures. Some have simple training in related fields and some have none at all. Even worse, many doctors approach the field of cosmetic plastic surgery as entrepreneurs instead of medical professionals. This leaves real-life cosmetic medical patients to fend or themselves, sometimes with tragic results. As the numbers of cosmetic plastic surgerys increase so do the numbers of surgical procedures that have gone horribly wrong. While the demand for cosmetic plastic surgeons rises there are physicians untrained or unskilled in that field that are performing surgeries. In the darkness of early Florid morning, a cab driver witnessed a terrifying sight. Collapsed on the sidewalk near a plastic surgery clinic was a young woman, covered in blood and wrapped in intravenous tubing and monitor wires. She woke in the clinic gasping for breath, but there was no one to help so she dragged herself onto the street and passed out until the unsuspecting cab driver noticed and called the police. (p.99) Despite advances in medicine that have greatly improved patient safety, too many purveyors of cosmetic plastic surgery for too long a time without regard for established standards of care. In Florida, mortalities after cosmetic surgery caught the attention of reporters from the sun sentinel, who l aunched a lengthy investigation. The reporters examined thousands of files and found that dozens of deaths had occurred as a result of poorly performed cosmetic plastic surgical procedures. After a breast implant operation, a patient, Eliza was in constant pain due to a gaping hole inside her left breast. The plastic surgeon operating on her was unqualified and unskilled and nearly killed Eliza.(p.) Plastic surgeon, Dr. Darryl Hodgkinsons says he spends nearly 70% of his time operating on patients who are dissatisfied with previous cosmetic surgery, and most often an unskilled surgeon is to blame. It is often assumed that cosmetic plastic surgery is less risky and easier to perform than other surgeries, but this is definitely not the case. While some patients have undergone plastic surgery because of bullying or because of a physical abnormality that is bothering them, the vast majority undergo cosmetic plastic surgery in an attempt to satisfy societys standards of beauty and the different ages groups and genders all have their different definitions of beauty. The main reason some people undergo plastic surgery is to counter the effects aging has had on their appearance. Some procedures people undergo to achieve this are botox, blepharoplasty, brow lifts, face lifts, and liposuction. While some patients are undergoing cosmetic plastic surgery to counter aging effects, younger generations have completely different reasons. Thanks to the media many people look to cosmetic plastic surgery to slim down by using liposuction and breast implants, to get that perfect look that so many celebrities have. There is perhaps a better approach to people unhappy with their looks. One has to question whether it is possible to con form to societies standards of beauty and whether or not having cosmetic plastic surgery will truly make one happier. These are questions a patient of cosmetic plastic surgery must ask themselves, and the patient should be old enough and mature enough to understand and find the answer. While the desire to beautify oneself is understandable, it is often better to try and look past physical appearances, both of oneself and of others. Both men and women of all ages and backgrounds have all gone through great lengths to change their looks, but only recently has it become an epidemic. Thanks to the media and reality TV shows that put a new person under the knife each week, people have been rushing out the door to have cosmetic plastic surgery. Although in some few cases cosmetic plastic surgery can be beneficial to an individual in most cases it is an unnecessary risk. Botched procedures, unskilled surgeons and dangerous methods can lead to a disastrous and potentially life-threatening experience. With all of the risks involved in cosmetic plastic surgery, there should be an age restriction that will not allow anyone under the age of 18 to undergo cosmetic plastic surgery. Research Papers on Plastic Surgery EssayImpact of Breast CancerMRSA Staph BacteriaSexually Transmitted DiseasesIs the Use of Psychotropic Drugs in the Treatment ofFeline Diabetes MelitusSociology is a ScienceNature Of Logic And Perception EssayThe Fifth HorsemanCash or Card?Genetic Engineering
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How to Write the MIT Application Essays 2018-2019
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, colloquially known at MIT, is often perceived as one of the worldââ¬â¢s most prestigious research universities with top programs in STEM. Ranked at #5 by the U.S. News and World Report undergraduate university rankings, applicants to MIT are undoubtedly drawn to the institutionââ¬â¢s top-tier education programs. Located just outside of Boston in Cambridge, Massachusetts, MIT affords students the opportunity to explore their intellectual and extracurricular passions in a thriving urban setting. Beyond STEM, MIT also offers students an equally prestigious business and entrepreneurship program, making its urban environment all the more conducive for both business and engineering opportunities. With only 1,464 students gaining admission out of an applicant pool of nearly 22,000, MITââ¬â¢s admission rate for the class of 2022 comes in at 6.7%, putting MIT at the same level as many Ivy League schools. Keep in mind that MIT does not use the Common Application, and instead uses its own system called MyMIT . To those seeking admission, MIT requires students to complete 5 additional essays, all of which understandably appear intimidating to approach. However, is here to help and offer our guide on how tackle MITââ¬â¢s 2018-2019 application! One of the first things to note is the brevity of the response; with only 100 words, thereââ¬â¢s no room to be too detailed. Even so, 100 words should be just enough for a few vivid sentences that really show the admissions officer what you do in your spare time. Thereââ¬â¢s no need to try to squeeze in an introductory or concluding sentence. For this prompt, itââ¬â¢s better to get straight to the point. Next, remember that the prompt is asking for an activity that isnââ¬â¢t required of you . If youââ¬â¢re the captain of your schoolââ¬â¢s varsity basketball team, then donââ¬â¢t write about basketball (even if you do play for pleasure outside of school). MIT wants to know something about you that they canââ¬â¢t already find elsewhere in your application, something outside of your academic and extracurricular responsibilities. Essentially, MIT is asking you: ââ¬Å"What do you do in your free time?â⬠A great way to approach this prompt is to construct a brief anecdote to illustrate your passions. Do you love reading because you enjoy imagining yourself in fictional worlds? Do you find peace in painting natural scenery? Now is a great time to describe these experiences. What makes each of these examples strong is the employment of imagery and sensory details. Although the response must be brief, you want to make the admissions officer interested in what you love; appealing to the five senses is an excellent way to do so. Donââ¬â¢t tell them that you love photography, show them that you love it by transforming your answer into a story. Be honest ââ¬â donââ¬â¢t lie for the sake of sounding more impressive. While volunteering at the local homeless shelter may sound very humble, donââ¬â¢t write about that if it isnââ¬â¢t what you actually do in your free time. MIT can spot essays that try too hard and lying about humanitarian efforts is definitely one of those instances. While itââ¬â¢s important to be honest, make sure to also use good judgement when articulating your response. Generally, anything goes for this prompt and you can essentially write about anything youââ¬â¢re passionate about. But if your favorite activity is ââ¬Å"looking at memes,â⬠it might be better to choose something else (especially after the Harvard incident). Although not explicitly stated, MIT is using this prompt to combine two commonly asked questions: ââ¬Å"Why X Major?â⬠and ââ¬Å"Why MIT?â⬠As with the previous essay, thereââ¬â¢s no room to provide too detailed of an explanation, but you must still briefly justify your response. The key word here is ââ¬Å"why.â⬠If youââ¬â¢re interested in chemistry but are also looking into a career in pharmaceutical manufacturing, you might write about your interests in MITââ¬â¢s chemical engineering program. Or if youââ¬â¢re interested in economics, you can praise MITââ¬â¢s Sloan School of Management, analyzing the ways in which the school will help you hone in and develop your leadership skills. If you want to conduct research in a STEM field, mentioning the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) and citing some specific projects can be a great way to highlight your interests. For those looking to study EECS, you can discuss the appeal of MITââ¬â¢s new curriculum, which offers more flexibility and independence for undergraduate students. Perhaps when compared to other campuses, you find that MIT offers a stronger entrepreneurial culture, a quality that you find necessary for your academic success. If you have hopes of one day launching your own startup or designing your own program, now would be a great time to mention the programââ¬â¢s emphasis on entrepreneurship. Writing about your long-term goals and connecting them back to MITââ¬â¢s academic culture (demonstrated through EECS example) is a very strong way to approach this prompt, as it answers both ââ¬Å"Why X Major?â⬠and ââ¬Å"Why MIT?â⬠Avoid vague answers such as ââ¬Å"MIT is known for its excellent STEM programsâ⬠or ââ¬Å"the Sloan School of Management is among the best in the nationâ⬠ââ¬â these types of answers do not answer the prompt nor do they highlight your interest in the school. No matter what major you intend on studying, remember to show admission officers how you plan to take advantage of MITââ¬â¢s academic programs. Is there a specific professor you want to conduct research under? Is there a specific course youââ¬â¢re really excited to take? If so, mention it! Thereââ¬â¢s no need to write a creative response to this prompt; the best approach is to be straightforward and specific. As opposed to the previous two prompts, essay #3 gives you a little more room with 200-250 words; this should be just enough for an introductory sentence, one or two short body paragraphs, and a few concluding sentences. For this prompt, MIT wants to see your selfless side by looking at the strategies you take to help those around you. Donââ¬â¢t panic if you havenââ¬â¢t saved hundreds of lives or discovered the cure for cancer; as the prompt suggests, helping your community can be as simple as lending a shoulder for your friend to cry on. Whether big or small, think of a time that you made a positive impact on one or more people. Maybe you have experience volunteering at the Red Cross or at your local retirement home. Or maybe you founded a club at your school with the goal of bringing education to children in need. No matter what the cause is, show the admissions officers your generosity and willingness to make a difference in your community. What each of these examples succeeds in doing is describing the impact that an action has on others. Whether it be putting a smile on someoneââ¬â¢s face or preventing a child from contracting a deadly disease, remember to show the reader what the outcome of your efforts were. Tying in your personal development is another great way to heighten the magnitude of your contribution, as it gives your actions more significant personal meaning (humanitarianism example). Ask yourself: How did you grow from this experience? What changes did you see? Submit your essay and weââ¬â¢ll get back to you with helpful edits. Out of the 5 questions, this one is the most open-ended. MIT is asking this question to see how you have adapted to your environment and how this environment has shaped you as an individual. A great way to start brainstorming for this prompt is to think about your dreams and aspirations first; what do you hope to achieve in your lifetime? à Next, reflect on your surroundings (your upbringing, your neighborhood, your school, etc.) and evaluate how this environment factored into your individuality. Perhaps you were a member of your schoolââ¬â¢s Model United Nations, and this fueled your desire to work in politics. Or maybe your childhood love for building Lego masterpieces contributed to your goal of becoming a civil engineer. Either way, remember to reflect on your past (or present) and use this reflection to analyze your future. What each of these examples succeeds in doing is analyzing the ââ¬Å"worldâ⬠that led to a specific realization. The key here is to demonstrate some sort of personal growth or moment in which you discovered your aspirations. For the first example, this could be the juxtaposition between traditional blue skies and the thick smog in Beijing; this was an eye-opening moment and made you look at the world from a different perspective, eventually influencing your career choice. For this prompt, itââ¬â¢s important to be specific. While it seems like this prompt is giving you two options to respond, the idea is relatively the same: discuss a challenge. Whether it is a personal struggle or a challenge you faced at school, MIT wants to know how you handle difficult situations and what you learn from such experiences. You want to construct an anecdote that goes through both the challenging situation and your thought process. When crafting your response, start by briefly describing the challenge, making sure to answer the question, ââ¬Å"What was so significant about the challenge?â⬠Next, go into detail about the steps you took to tackle the obstacle and how you went about this process. Make sure to discuss the outcome of the situation and show the admissions officer how you matured from this experience. As you brainstorm and begin drafting your response, here are some guided questions to get you thinking: Try to avoid ââ¬Å"challengesâ⬠that are too trivial; although you may be upset that you got a B on that one calculus test, this is not a significant enough challenge to analyze. For this prompt, itââ¬â¢s important to demonstrate personal growth and maturity, as this shows your capacity to adapt to difficult environments. Overall, there are no secrets or gimmicks to any of these essays. MIT is simply trying to get to know you better, whether itââ¬â¢s by asking you about your interests or your personal experiences. For each of these essays, remember to ask yourself: What do I want MIT to know about me? Donââ¬â¢t try to write something you think the admissions officer wants to hear; be yourself and be honest. Remember to show and donââ¬â¢t tell , and highlight the reasons you think you would be a great fit for MIT. Want help on your MIT application or essays? Learn about our College Apps Program and Essay Editing Program . Want us to quickly edit your college essay? Submit it to our Rapid Review Program , and weââ¬â¢ll get it back to you quickly with comments from our expert team. The Ultimate Guide to Applying to USC Monikah Schuschu September 16, 2016 17 365,000 alumni canââ¬â¢t be wrong: the University of Southern California is an exceptional place to get your education. Among those alumni are luminaries as varied as actor John Wayne, astronaut Neil Armstrong, and former Prime Minister of Pakistan Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. Comprised of nearly twenty different schools, upwards of 40,000 total students, and a rich variety of traditions, USCââ¬â¢s resources and global network present extraordinary opportunities for its students. At USC, high-level technological studies and a renown business school exist side-by-side with a venerable program in cinema studies and strong programs in other performing arts. You can even combine the two ââ¬â where else could a budding innovator get a bachelorââ¬â¢s degree from a school founded in part by hip hop legend and entrepreneur Dr. Dre? (That would be USCââ¬â¢s Iovine and Young Academy , which focuses on ââ¬Å"nurturing and developing original thought, leading to breakthrough products, systems, technologies and more.â⬠) The sunny setting in Southern California and the amenities of the city of Los Angeles certainly donââ¬â¢t hurt. Are you interested in attending USC? Read on for more information about the different undergraduate programs available, what makes it special, and how to navigate the admissions process. Located in the University Park neighborhood of Los Angeles, California , only two miles away from downtown LA, the University of Southern California was founded in 1880 on land donated by a number of the cityââ¬â¢s notables. USC was originally affiliated with the Methodist Church, but it has been nonsectarian since 1952. From its very beginning , USC has championed fair access to education, refusing to deny applicants admission based on race or gender. In fact, the valedictorian of its very first graduating class (comprised of only three students) was a woman, at a time when admission to many or most prestigious universities was restricted to men. Todayââ¬â¢s USC is a large, private research university with a much-expanded total enrollment of over 42,000 students, almost 19,000 of whom are undergraduates. It has also expanded in land area, including its Health Sciences Campus in Los Angeles as well as a number of other facilities, satellite campuses, offices, and a scientific research station on Catalina Island. According to the U.S. News and World Report rankings , USC comes in at #23 in the National Universities category. Its business programs are especially well-regarded. The university is also famous for having the oldest and largest film school in the country. The thousands of undergraduate students at USC are spread out among majors in a grand total of 16 different schools and programs , listed below: Across these 16 schools, students can choose among 174 majors at last count . An exhaustive list of these majors , with links to additional information about each, is available. Since specifying your intended major is part of applying to USC, youââ¬â¢ll have to devote some time to researching the options before you apply. However, we can tell you that the most popular majors at USC are within the fields of business, social sciences, visual and performing arts, and engineering. Life on the USC campus is vibrant and packed with different opportunities. Athletics are an important part of the campus culture, with a number of varsity teams (known as the Trojans) having been extremely successful in recent years. USCââ¬â¢s honor is fiercely defended against such traditional rivals as nearby UCLA and the further-off Notre Dame . Even if youââ¬â¢re not a sports fan, with such a large and diverse student body from which to draw, USCââ¬â¢s student activities and organizations have something for everyone. Over 800 different student groups and organizations are officially recognized by the university. These include an engaged student government, an active fraternity and sorority scene with over 60 individual chapters, performing arts groups, cultural organizations, and volunteer opportunities. Outside of the campus, à students also have access to everything Los Angeles has to offer. The admissions process at USC is quite competitive; during the 2015-2016 application season, the university received a whopping total of over 54,000 applications for its undergraduate programs. 8,920 applicants were accepted, making the acceptance rate 16.2%. USC has not yet released enrollment numbers for the fall of 2016, but in most recent years, the number of students in the matriculating class has hovered around 3,000. All applicants to USC apply through the same basic application process, but depending on your intended major, which you will be required to specify on your application, you may be asked to complete additional materials i ncluding portfolios, videos, essays, auditions, or course prerequisites. When youââ¬â¢re getting ready to apply, itââ¬â¢s important that you thoroughly research the requirements for your particular intended major so that you can make an informed decision. In addition to first-year applicants, USC accepts applications from students at other colleges who wish to transfer to USC. In recent years, the university has received about 8,000 transfer applications per year, and has accepted approximately 25% of these applicants. When USC evaluates your application, it takes into account both your academic and other achievements, and your potential to be a good fit for the USC environment. Successful applicants are generally quite strong academically and have taken challenging courses in high school. Leadership and community involvement are important factors, as is ââ¬Å"intellectual curiosity.â⬠As a university with strong programs in the arts, USC also appreciates students who will bring creative talents to the campus, whether as arts majors or in addition to their other studies. The estimated cost of attendance at USC for the 2016-2017 school year is $69,711, $51,442 of which accounts for tuition. This estimate is meant to cover the entire cost of a studentââ¬â¢s attendance for a year, including room and board as well as books, transportation, and personal expenses, but it may vary from student to student, especially for the many students who choose to live off-campus after their first year. Also, some majors and programs require additional fees. About two-thirds of USCââ¬â¢s undergraduate students receive some kind of financial assistance , need-based or merit-based, to cover the cost of their education. Need-based financial aid options include grants, loans, and work-study. Merit-based scholarships include a number of different scholarship programs , and about 22% of students at USC receive some kind of merit-based scholarship. Athletic scholarships are also offered to some incoming students, and may be awarded either as a specific dollar amount or as a percentage of the cost of attendance. Admissions to USC is need-blind for students from the United States, meaning that neither a studentââ¬â¢s indication that they will apply for financial aid, nor the amount of aid they require, will affect that studentââ¬â¢s admissions decision. For international applicants , admission to USC is need-aware , and international applicants will need to submit documentation certifying that they have the funds to pay for college. Need-based financial aid is not available for international students. However, international applicants are still considered for certain merit-based scholarships, and may have other options to privately finance their educations. Applicants who are undocumented students living in the state of California have some additional funding options. Under the California Dream Act, these students may be eligible for certain California state grants if they have attended a California high school and will be attending a California college. Students who receive these grants may also gain access to additional funding from USC, though the amount of funding available is limited. Domestic students can apply for need-based financial aid by submitting the FAFSA and the CSS Profile , both of which are due by February 14th. Residents of California should also apply for the Cal Grant state financial aid program by March 2nd. After the initial application is submitted, financial aid applicants will need to provide their familyââ¬â¢s income tax documents to USC as soon as possible. Additional documents may be requested by the Financial Aid Office under certain circumstances, and these documents should be submitted to the office within 10 days of when the request is made. à à Transfer applicants to USC who are from the United States will have to submit the same forms to apply for need-based financial aid, but their FAFSA and CSS Profile forms will be due on March 2nd along with the Cal Grant application. A number of merit-based scholarships are also available to USC students, whether or not they receive need-based aid. (Need-based aid may be reduced if a student receives a merit scholarship as well.) These scholarships range from awards of $1,000 to full-tuition coverage. Some scholarships are open to transfer applicants as well as first-year applicants. Students are automatically considered for some merit scholarships based upon the information they submit in their applications, but other scholarship programs require students to specifically apply to the program itself. A detailed list of USCââ¬â¢s academic scholarship options and requirements for the 2017-2018 school year is available, along with information about how to apply for each scholarship. In some ways, the process of applying to USC as a first-year undergraduate is simpler than at many other schools. All applicants use the same application form ââ¬â the Common Application ââ¬â and all apply on the same timeline, since USC has no Early Decision or Early Action option. Most first-year undergraduate applicants to USC will need to submit their admissions applications by January 15th at the latest, and most applicants will receive their admissions decisions by early April. à However, since USC is comprised of a rather large number of distinct schools and programs, application deadlines and requirements for different majors vary. Youââ¬â¢ll need to submit your application by December 1st if youââ¬â¢re applying to USCââ¬â¢s undergraduate programs in Dramatic Arts, Cinematic Arts, or Music; the Kaufman School of Dance; the Iovine and Young Academy for Arts, Technology, and the Business of Innovation; or the World Bachelor of Business program at the Marshall School of Business. Each undergraduate department may have additional admissions requirements with additional deadlines; USCââ¬â¢s list of additional major requirements is available for viewing. In addition to these program deadlines, if you would like to be considered for merit scholarships , youââ¬â¢ll need to submit your admissions application by the December 1st deadline. Applicants selected to interview for or receive merit scholarships will be contacted by USC in February. If you apply by December 1st and arenââ¬â¢t selected for a merit scholarship, your application will still be considered for admission, and youââ¬â¢ll hear back about your decision in early April. Students who have already completed some college courses can apply to transfer to USC. Just as with first-year students, applicants will submit the Common Application and supporting materials, which may vary depending on which undergraduate program theyââ¬â¢d like to join. The application deadline for most transfer students is February 1st, or December 1 for transfer applicants to the School of Dramatic Arts, the Kaufman School of Dance, the Thornton School of Music, and the Iovine and Young Academy, as well as some programs within the School of Cinematic Arts. à Again, some departments have different or additional admissions requirements and forms to fill out, and prospective transfer students can check out the requirements for their program . Youââ¬â¢ll be contacted by USC, either with an admissions decision or with a request for spring-semester grades, by June 1st. Now that weââ¬â¢ve introduced you to the USC application procedure, weââ¬â¢ll go over the school-specific questions that USC will expect you to answer on the Common App. Estimating your chance of getting into a college is not easy in todayââ¬â¢s competitive environment. Thankfully, with our state-of-the-art software and data, we can analyze your academic and extracurricular profile and estimate your chances. Our profile analysis tool can also help you identify the improvement you need to make to enter your dream school. As you probably already know, the Common Application is an online application system that allows you to enter all your basic information only once and send that information to multiple schools. For some help navigating the Common App, you can refer to the Userââ¬â¢s Guide to the Common App , as well as our targeted posts regarding how to fill out the sections on your demographics , citizenship , academics , activities , awards , and more. In addition to the standard Common App questions, youââ¬â¢ll need to answer a number of questions that are specific to USC, and possibly even some that are specific to your intended major . To access these questions, youââ¬â¢ll first need to add USC to your My Colleges list within your Common App account. Once youââ¬â¢ve done so, navigate to your My Colleges page and click on USC. Youââ¬â¢ll see the following page, illustrated by a screenshot from our sample studentââ¬â¢s profile: On the left, under the USC tab and the heading that says Application, click on the word Questions. Youââ¬â¢ll see the following screen: As you can see, there are four separate sections of questions for you to answer, labeled General, Academics, Family, and Other Information. Click on the section headers to access the questions in each section, or click Continue to move on to the next section. For the General section, youââ¬â¢ll answer the following questions: For the Academics section, youââ¬â¢ll answer the following question: For the Family section, youââ¬â¢ll answer the following questions: Finally, for the Other Information section, youââ¬â¢ll respond to the following prompts: Once youââ¬â¢ve finished filling out these questions, youââ¬â¢ll move on to the second part of USCââ¬â¢s supplement to the Common App. This part is often referred to as the ââ¬Å"Writing Supplement,â⬠but itââ¬â¢s more complicated than that ââ¬â in addition to USC-specific essays, youââ¬â¢ll need to answer a number of short-answer questions and also provide additional information about your academic background. To get to USCââ¬â¢s Writing Supplement, look in the left-hand column under USCââ¬â¢s name. Youââ¬â¢ll see a heading that says Writing Supplement, and underneath that heading, the word Questions. Clicking on Questions will bring up the following screen: As with the questions youââ¬â¢ve already answered, the questions in the Writing Supplement will be grouped into a number of sections. First, youââ¬â¢ll address the prompts under the Writing Questions section. Take a look at our blog post How to Write the USC Essays 2016-2017 for a detailed breakdown of these essay prompts and short-answer questions, along with some guidance on how to go about answering them. As you may have noticed from the screenshot above, our sample applicant has been given an additional essay prompt: ââ¬Å"Explain your educational and career interests and why Annenberg is the best match for you.â⬠You may or may not see this prompt when you apply, because this prompt is another example of the responsiveness of the USC application. The sample applicant is receiving this particular essay prompt because they indicated that their first-choice major was within USCââ¬â¢s Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism. You may be presented with a different essay prompt, depending on your intended major, or you may not find an essay prompt here at all. For more information about the individual requirements youââ¬â¢ll encounter for each major, check out USCââ¬â¢s list of additional major requirements . Next, youââ¬â¢ll move on to the Academic History section, as shown below: Below this question, youââ¬â¢ll see this list of sections: In each of these sections, youââ¬â¢ll self-report information about each academic class youââ¬â¢ve taken from grade 9 to grade 11. For instance, the 9th Grade English, Literature, or Composition Courses section will ask you the following questions: Follow the directions and enter your high school course information here. (If your school doesnââ¬â¢t have a Semester 3, donââ¬â¢t worry about it ââ¬â you donââ¬â¢t need to fill in every single field.) Make sure to give yourself adequate time to fill out this section. Youââ¬â¢ll probably also want to have a copy of your transcript in front of you to make the data entry easier. Along with the Common App with USC-specific questions and essays, all applicants to USC must submit the following: In addition to these general application components, many of the individual undergraduate programs and majors at USC have additional requirements. These range from portfolios and auditions for programs in the arts, to video submissions and additional essays, to prerequisite courses you must have already taken in high school. For some majors and programs, your additional required essays will automatically be provided to you on the Common App once you specify your intended major, as we discussed above. If you complete a requirement using the Common App, you donââ¬â¢t need to additionally submit it in any other way. You can visit the USC admissions website to go over the additional requirements and due dates for each undergraduate program and major. Admissions interviews are not a requirement to apply to USC, and in an average year, less than 20% of USC applicants elect to schedule an interview. The university states that data from past years shows no real difference in acceptance rates between applicants who interview and applicants who donââ¬â¢t. However, USC does encourage applicants to take advantage of on- or off-campus interview opportunities if they can. Applicants who are able to visit the USC campus may be able to schedule on-campus interviews. Program-specific interviews are not available for every undergraduate program at USC, but all visiting applicants can interview with USCââ¬â¢s general Office of Undergraduate Admissions, or choose between the Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences, the Marshall School of Business, the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, and the Viterbi School of Engineering. If youââ¬â¢re planning on visiting campus this fall and would like to take advantage of an on-campus interview, you can check out your options on the USC website . Keep in mind that youââ¬â¢re only permitted to have one admission interview, so youââ¬â¢ll need to think carefully about which program youââ¬â¢d like to interview with. You donââ¬â¢t need to have already submitted your application in order to schedule an interview. USC also conducts off-campus interview sessions in a number of major cities across the United States during the fall application season. If youââ¬â¢re able to make it to one of these cities, you can schedule an interview with an admissions officer, just as you would on campus. Take a look at this website to start the process of setting up an off-campus interview . Again, the number of undergraduate programs that offer program-specific interviews is limited, and availability will vary from city to city, but if youââ¬â¢re not able to interview with your specific program, you can always interview with the general Office of Undergraduate Admissions. Since even off-campus USC interviews are only available within the United States, international applicants who are not able to visit USC have an additional option. These applicants are invited to submit interviews through Vericant, a third-party evaluator with whom USC contracts. (You can use a different third-party interview service if you prefer.) If youââ¬â¢re interested, you can learn more about this process . You should bear in mind that this process will involve additional costs not covered by your USC application fee. Since USC does not have an Early Action or Early Decision application program, most first-year USC applicants will hear back about their admissions decisions at the same time, in early April. (As we mentioned, some students may be contacted earlier if theyââ¬â¢re selected for certain merit scholarship programs.) If youââ¬â¢re accepted to USC at this time, you have to make up your mind as to whether to attend by May 1st. If you decide to enroll in the fall, you must notify USC through their online system and submit your non-refundable $300 enrollment deposit by this date. Youââ¬â¢ll also need to take care of applying for housing and signing up for an orientation program, about which you can get more information . You may be rejected by USC, in which case youââ¬â¢ll need to move on to other college plans , but may be able to reapply as a transfer student in the future. However, thereââ¬â¢s a third option at USC, and unlike at many other schools, itââ¬â¢s not a waitlist . A certain number of USC applicants will be neither rejected nor accepted for the fall term. Instead, theyââ¬â¢ll be accepted, but on a delay ââ¬â theyââ¬â¢ll have to wait until the spring semester to attend. If youââ¬â¢re applying to USC during the 2016-2017 application season and receive admission for the spring semester, that would mean that youââ¬â¢d enter the university in the spring of 2018. If you have more questions about how spring admissions work, you can learn more . One thing to keep in mind is that if you accept admission for the spring semester, there is a chance that a slot will open up in the fall class and youââ¬â¢d be able to enter in the fall as you originally intended. Few students are able to make this move each year, but youââ¬â¢ll only be considered for these fall slots if you have already indicated that youââ¬â¢ll attend in the spring. Should you agree to start attending USC in the spring if youââ¬â¢re offered spring admission ? It depends. If youââ¬â¢re certain that USC is your top choice, enough so that youââ¬â¢re willing to wait a while longer, spring admission may be worth it for you. Youââ¬â¢ll still get to attend USC and have access to all the same opportunities as students who are admitted in the fall. Some students end up finding their ââ¬Å"time offâ⬠before starting at USC very enjoyable and enriching, similar to a gap year . They may use that time to take community college courses, travel, work, or explore other interests. However, accepting spring admission to USC does mean reassessing your post-high-school plans somewhat. Spring admits may or may not graduate ââ¬Å"on timeâ⬠with the rest of the class of 2021, though taking transferable courses somewhere else prior to coming to USC can help. Some students are concerned about social and extracurricular opportunities, and others simply donââ¬â¢t want to wait to start their college careers. In the end, the choice is up to you as to whether the spring admissions program is a good fit for your needs. Are you excited at the prospect of becoming a USC Trojan? You can learn more about USCââ¬â¢s 16 undergraduate schools and programs on the USC admissions page . Remember, your prospective program choice is considered as part of your application , so youââ¬â¢ll need to make sure you know what your options are. Whether youââ¬â¢re applying to USC or elsewhere, getting through the college application process is a lot of work, and thereââ¬â¢s no shame in seeking help to navigate this stressful (but potentially rewarding) time. Let ââ¬â¢s admissions experts help ensure that your applications showcase your achievements and make you as competitive of a candidate as possible. Fill out the form below for a free initial consultation!
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Broodstock Managment and larval rearing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Broodstock Managment and larval rearing - Essay Example In this system, water exists through the centre of the tank by gravity and is then through bag filters of sizes 300 um for filtration before going through a sump that maintains the levels of water. After this, system water is then pressurized by 2-hp pump through a glass media filter that is capable of trapping and retaining particles of up to 5um, and then passed through a UV filter followed by a 8-hp heat pump temperature control before going back to the maturation tank (Benetti et al, 2010). Approximately 25% of the pressurized, flowing water is passed through a side loop made up of a trickle biofilter and a foam fractionators before going back to the maturation tanks (Benetti et al, 2010). Biological control for ecto-parasites that may affect the broodstock during maturation in the maturation tanks is very important. Neon Gobies (Gobiosoma oceanops) is often stocked together with broodstock fish as a cleaner fish. Research has shown that Neon gobies has been successfully used to prevent ecto-parasites in maturation tanks with mutton snapper, and greater amberjack, thus its interaction with cobia adults may be helpful in maintaining broodstock cobia (Benetti et al, 2010). Diet used for feeding broodstock is made up of artificial formulated feeds as well as squid, sardines and no lesser degree shrimp. This should consist of about 3-5% of biomass daily. Mineral and vitamin supplements are also given to the broodstock daily especially when frozen feed is used mainly to compliment any possible nutritional deficiency that may arise from frozen feed (Benetti et al, 2010). To obtain spawns, the environmental conditions upon which broodstock is kept is manipulated especially the water temperature. As stated by Aquaculture Research (2008), all spawns occurred naturally at a temperature of 24-300C during the natural reproduction season extending from April to march yearly. Trials have indicated that females can
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